Course Content

The Digital Marketing Minor organised by Rotterdam Business School covers a wide range of topics and subjects within digital marketing. Invest in your education, grow your skill set and gain experience by following practical and fun lectures, assignments and guest speakers. All of your assignments will be centred around the RACE framework provided by SmartInsights.

Block 1

This block is an introduction to digital marketing and is all about formulating digital strategies that will strengthen your chosen company’s digital health. You will emerge from this block with a wide range of digital marketing knowledge and skills.
Topics block 1:
  • Digital marketing fundamentals
  • AI in marketing
  • Digital marketing planning (RACE, SOSTAC)
  • Digital audit and health check
  • Digital assessment tools
  • Buyer personas & Online customer journeys
  • Content mapping & touch points
  • Content marketing
  • Digital marketing metrics & KPI
  • Macro trends and emerging technologies
  • Online branding
  • Prototyping

Block 2

In block 2, you will put all your knowledge to practice and create real digital products and apply the digital strategies formulated in the first block.
Topics block 2:
  • Search engine marketing (SEO & SEA)
  • Google Analytics
  • Digital marketing mix & tools
  • Email marketing & Marketing Automation
  • Growth hacking
  • Web design
  • UX & CX Design
  • Storytelling online
  • Campaign planning and communication
  • Social media marketing
  • Influencers marketing
  • Digital selling
  • Personal branding


Digital Marketing Minor revolves around three main assignments which are specifically designed to help students put marketing theories into practice. The Digital Marketing Plan, the Individual Assignment and the Workshop.

As a student, you will get the opportunity to work individually and be part of a team. The knowledge-packed lectures and guest speakers will help you along the way.

Digital Marketing Plan (DMP)
A major part of this minor is the Digital Marketing Plan, where students will develop a digital marketing strategy for a company/organisation of their choice. In teams of three, students will develop a DMP for a real company. The objective of this project is to offer a justified advice and plan on how to improve the company’s current digital strategy, website, digital campaigns and overall digital health. Consultations will be provided by the lecturers on a weekly basis to guide the students and provide feedback throughout the whole project. This project stretches over block 1 and block 2.

Before diving into a journey of learning and discovery, go through these two informative videos which provides tips and strategies for your Digital Marketing Minor journey.

Individual Assignment

Every block, students can choose one preferred individual assignment. Below you can see the different options:

  • Website
    Students need to design and develop a website for a cause/topic of their choice. An online published website with relevant content needs to be created.
  • Blog
    Students need to create a digital blog on a topic of their choice. The topic can range anywhere between a digital marketing subject to a personal hobby.
  • Mimic Pro & Marketing Analytics simulation games
    Mimic Pro is an online learning course where students can explore different aspects of digital marketing in a simulated ‘real’ environment. With this simulation game, students will play for 10 rounds. Click here to read more about the Mimic Pro Simulation game.
  • A task (limited place and must be assigned)
    These tasks are linked to the minor. Students will work on developing and improving a professional product for the minor. Some examples: Work with a team to improve the digital marketing minor website, create a promotional video for the minor or run and monitor the minor’s various social media channels.

Every block you need to select a different assignment. To pass the individual assignment, students need to obtain a digital marketing certificate and they must submit reflections on five guest lectures per block.

In Block 1 students need to obtain the Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing certificate and in Block 2 students the Google Analytics 4 certificate. Click here to read more about the certifications.

Central lectures

The central lectures will provide you with the knowledge necessary for the consultancy projects and the digital strategies for the companies. The teams are encouraged to share and discuss their experience and create a collective learning process. Issues, problems or breakthroughs will be addressed and all teams can use the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ to counter roadblocks in their projects.

Guest lectures​

An intrinsic part of the training are the guest lectures which are delivered by our external partners and network. Every block, a diverse group of guest lecturers from the digital marketing world will host a unique lecture for the students. The topics covered include SEO, SEA, UX design, content strategy, social selling, storytelling, growth hacking and more. The guest speakers are experienced professionals from leading organisations. Students must attend a minimum of 5 guest lectures per block.


A practical aspect of the minor is obtaining certifications and becoming a certified digital marketer. The compulsory certifications are Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing certificate and Google Analytics 4. Students are encouraged to obtain more certifications from our partnering providers such as Hubspot, Google, Microsoft etc. Certificates are fantastic contributions to your education and resume.

Join the digital marketing minor

The Digital Marketing Minor revolves around three main assignments which are specifically designed to help students put marketing theories into practice. The Digital Marketing Plan, the Individual Assignment and the Workshop. As a student, you will get the opportunity to work individually and be part of a team. The knowledge-packed lectures and guest speakers will help you along the way.